Sunday, September 12, 2010

Peaceful Relationship, Truly Understood


Absolutely, unequivocally, without exception
Is Of Divine Conception

Not to offend, but religion aside
It's like when, feeling confined, One simply goes outside
And then Is equally caressed by the breeze
Completely warmed by the sun, indiscriminately bathed in its heat

For eternal connection, Love's Divinity, Is not a competition thing
It's a learning, more aptly a remembering, 'thing'
This Reality of You, with Me
And All; inherently Free

The Great Ones in life reminded of this
That only in sister and brotherhood Is
Peaceful relationship truly understood
No matter the perceived 'bad or good'

For what is 'bad' but Love forgetting Its Held
Withholding, only because it believes Love's been withheld
And in this case, it's for the 'good' to then be open and offer
Lest whatever the heaven being preached be but emptiness and fodder

Copyright (c) Divine Love c/o Michael Mayer 2008

1 comment:

  1. esta muy intenso y mucho que analizar en cuanto a la forma de vivir de cada unoo
