Saturday, October 9, 2010

Beyond Even Practicing


There's a forever depth, an unsevered connection
Between "You and Me"
An unbreakable Divinity
Needing no defense nor protection

For It's as the air all share
Of which you breathe
The here and there and everywhere
Of this, Our, Love; perfectly free

Existing so easily
So utterly naturally
That all that's needed in order to live it
Is to give up the notion of need and simply Be It

By, again, "doing" as you do when you breathe
Needing not even to let it be
For "It's" currently happening
Inherently, this Y/Our eternal blessing

Beyond religiosity
Or even spirituality
For how is the most essential aspect of life, breathing
Needing of processes and posturing unto even practicing?

Copyright (c) Divine Love c/o Michael Mayer 2008

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