Sunday, December 26, 2010

Being You, In and As the Truth


"Hide not your light under a bushel
But let it shine for all to see"
Has been interpreted in certain circles to mean
Be not afraid to speak publicly regarding what particular written words say about 'Me'
Which is fine, as it should be
For those faithfully serving how they feel personally or in regards to what they've learned from what someone did or does teach
And yet, more greatly; it actually refers to each One of 'You'
Living your truth
Being You, In and As the Truth
So, Yes
Hide not Y/Our Light
Be Who You Are
Though not primarily so all can see
But first and foremost because this Love IS You
And then remembrance's Light shall most definitely extend outward naturally
As an example of Who All can and will Be because of their already Relationship with togetherness, free

Copyright (c) Divine Love c/o Michael Mayer 2008

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